Saturday, 25 June 2011

What's with assholes trying to be busy?

Is it suddenly fashionable to have no free time on your hands? Everywhere I turn people are talking about holiday plans and how "crazy and hectic" their lives are. People love to boast how busy they are because it makes them feel important, however imaginary. Am I the only ones who has no plans, or are all these people just full of it? I don't consider myself to be busy and I work a full time job, 45 hours a week. Often I work weekends too. I have enough time to see people, being busy is a lame excuse. When people claim to be busy, what they really mean is "I have the time, just not for you."

I try to make plans and people always say "I'll let you know, I think I'm busy." Bullshit. What they really mean is "yeah, until I find something better to do." You're not busy. Most of these idiots don't even have jobs. It's impossible to be busy all the time.

The worst thing is people constantly use it as a cop out. For instance, a friend was just too insanely busy to reply to a text I sent weeks ago. How long does it take to send a text, really? Being busy is no excuse to be ignorant.

I ask people if they're free this weekend. "No sorry I have plans, yeah plans, big plans, important plans. And no you can't get involved in them." Oh okay, so next weekend? "No can do. I have plans, made them months ago. Can't cancel. Too important. Big plans." Right, what about in fifteen weeks time, that weekend? "I think I'm free, I'll check my schedule, I might be busy." AARRRRGGGHHHHHHHH.

I decided to do a little digging on a few of my friends, just to see what they actually get up to when they claim to be too busy to do something. So far I've heard I'm doing something with my friends and I've got some work to do. Notice how it's always something, never anything specific. It's garbage, the lot of it. All this bitching about being stressed because you've got so much going on is self-inflicted. People are just afraid to admit to their vapid lives, so they cram it with as much bullshit as possible to fill the void.

The only thing worse than someone pretending they're busy all the time is the people who cancel plans with you pretending they're busy. They'll all come up with an unbelievable scenario that can't be avoided. I've heard so much crap it makes me want to stab myself in the face. How stupid do you think I am? Suddenly, everyone is dead and/or has cancer and this date happens to fall on the exact time of your meeting. LIARS. Every last one of you.

People make the most trivial task into a day's worth of work. Just tell me you don't want to be in my company, don't insult me with your pathetic excuses. Be a man about it. I don't care if you don't want to make plans with me. I don't care if everything else is more important. Doesn't matter to me, I don't give a shit. Just stop being a pussy.

From now on I'm not making plans with people. If anyone wants to see me, they can ask. I might accept or I might not. Who knows? I could be busy. Then the day we planned comes and I'll cancel on your ass. See how you like it. It's bullshit. I hate my friends. They're all worthless. The next person to brush me off with the busy card is getting punched in the dick.