Thursday, 23 June 2011

Men have become weak.

Sorry should not be in a man's vocabulary. Since when did men speak anyway? Men grunt. It worked for cavemen and they had no problems in life. All they did was drag women by their hair into a cave. Plain and simple. They don't want wining and dining and all this other romantic bullshit. They want it rough and ready, and in a cave.


Men these days are weak. I see women treating men like shit all the time and guys bending over, ass wide open taking it because they're scared to be alone, or whatever. Grow a fucking spine. One day women will demand to have the penis, and this new age of male pushovers will evolve into vaginas, walking on all fours so they can get penetrated by women every day of their life.

I don't understand why men have sold out their dignity for a girlfriend. Relationships are the blackhole of memory. Nothing productive ever happens. Name me one thing you gained out of your last relationship. I'm willing to bet it's nothing. Here's a clue: how about avoiding them altogether? You don't need one and they accomplish squat. Anyone ever left a relationship with anything besides baggage? Hell no. I've never left a girl with a new car, or sum of money of any kind. What's the point?

There's no going back for us. Girls can pick and choose guys at random. Don't believe me? Take a few stock photos of a girl, any girl, regardless of whether or not she's even good looking and upload it to a social networking site. Put something arbitrary and boring in the about me section, such as "I like to have fun." You'll get horny assholes messaging you within minutes, asking for sex, a relationship, phone numbers, everything.

Now do the same thing as a guy. You'll be lucky to get a conversation with a girl while she's sifting through the endless sexual offers from every male dipshit in a three thousand mile radius. Worthless.

673,020,832 men are pussies.