If you don't know what an internet forum is, chances are you aren't reading this. Forums have been around since the internet was born and have over time evolved to it's shit factor.
This is not to say every forum was created with the intention of being worthless, but as with everything on the internet (disregarding my site, which is perfect) eventually becomes another toilet for people to dump their ass all over. Every forum is comprised of the same basic layout and can be broken down into one main category: shit.
Every forum I've ever been to has been a discordant mess and I always end up banned. Website admins need to chill the fuck out or lose diversity of their site. If the only people they want there are the ones that share the same opinion as themselves, they're defining a word we already have for people like that: bigots. The only reason other members stick up for admins is the childlike notion that backing up someone with authority (however imaginary) will gain them respect.
A breakdown of a forums members can be categorized as follows:
Forum admin - 2% (of online community)
Jobless bedwetter with enough free time to read, edit and respond to every word ever posted on a website. The main problem with this asshole is that every opinion they utter is like a piece of gold, invincible shit that cannot be touched.
Pseudo-intellectuals - 8%
Idiot college dropouts that constantly use a spell check and thesaurus to find synonyms for every other word in a sentence to make sure everyone knows they didn't fail English. Though few in number, have enough narcissism and time to waste responding to every post you make, usually supported by other pseudo-intellectual dipshits to verify their non-existent argument with themselves.
14 year olds - 90%
Most forums boil down to wasting time talking to assholes. Spending half an hour posting a rebuttal to an argument to get the bulletproof comeback "YEAH THAT'S WHAT YOUR MUM SAID LAST NIGHT LOL!!!!"
You'll notice on a forum there's always a lot of content, yet ironically, very little substance. That's because it's all bullshit.
93,267 forums have banned me before I even sign up.