Long story short: there's been a shooting, somewhere. I refuse to look into it because I don't want to get dragged into the sob fest because, to be honest, I don't care. All I know is my Facebook has once again been bombarded with another tragedy from across the globe. Why does everyone get so upset by my nonchalant shrug every time I see these sorts of things being posted on social networking sites and the News as if it's never happened before?
Thanks for being an amazing teacher. Heartbroken. Seriously? You're heartbroken that a random girl you never knew has been shot dead? Newsflash: this sort of thing happens all around the world, all the time.
Before anyone starts pissing and moaning, I do not disagree that this is a tragedy. My problem is all you bleeding hearts who use these stories to validate your caring nature to your arrogant friends. You never knew this girl, so posting a status pretending you care is the most insulting thing you could do. If you were truly heartbroken, you'd do more than post a shitty comment about it. You'd go put flowers on her grave, or donate cash to their mourning families. All you care about is getting attention in the form of "likes" for being a loving and caring individual and I see right through your insincere bullshit.
Wake up people. The world is a big place. There are nearly 7 billion people on Earth. If just one headcase decided to massacre a bunch of children a year, guess what? That's a good statistic. The world is a fucking disgusting place, killing happens every single millisecond. If this only happened once a year then deaths by killing would be down by three million percent. None of it is acceptable. My point is that nobody gives a shit if it's a casualty of war, or a drunk driver, or a kid gunned down shooting at soldiers, or a random man of old age, or a cancer patient, or a multitude of other "tragedies" unless it makes you look good on your shitty Facebook account. To hell with the lot of you, and fuck you for judging me because I choose not to buy into your I SO SAD bullshit.