Tuesday, 30 October 2012

If you wear charity shop clothes, you're an asshole.

What is this new trend of wearing clothes from charity shops? It's not cool to wear clothes other people saw fit to get rid of. And on that note, stop wearing thick rimmed glasses when there's nothing wrong with your eyesight, because you look like a pretentious dipshit. It pisses me off how these trends suddenly appear out of nowhere and everyone jumps on the bandwagon as though it's suddenly unique and interesting. Don't you idiots see the contradiction in anything you do? If you all start wearing the same shit, that makes you less unique, and by extension: less interesting.

This is a typical picture of a girl stuck in the limbo phase of fashion trends. She looks normal, and has stuck to some classic attire for a night on the town. A medium sized skirt, under-top and a girly jacket thing. Generally no alarm bells are ringing on the dipshit scale yet (other than the stupid pose).


Same girl, a few more weeks after lame trend sets in. Notice how the top half of her body doesn't seem too bad, but underneath we can see the early signs of a pretentious shithead setting in. The socks have the combination of being ugly, puke colored and a patchy, uncomfortable design. And what the hell is she wearing on her feet? Looks like battered plimsolls covered in shit.


The girl I've chosen for my example here is real. Her name is Cheryl, and she used to be my friend. After I saw this picture I promptly deleted her from my phone and slapped myself for ever knowing her. If there was a civilization that stood for personal pride, this picture would be the disease that wiped them out. Almost everything she's wearing screams for attention. The fluorescent hair, the shitty bronze jewellery, the tights that look like a burgundy colored carpet from the 80's. And this bitch didn't smoke before either.


Don't get me wrong, I chose this girl for a reason. I chose her because underneath all the peripherals she's not ugly, she's actually quite pretty. But she's an asshole. She's an asshole because she buys into all this crap, and thus has the personality of a brick. I refuse to waste anymore time on posers that blindly follow trends into oblivion from now on. Get an identity that doesn't involve mimicking others, or get eaten. Sheep mimic each other and they get eaten, because they're stupid. Don't make the same mistake.