Saturday, 22 March 2014

Fat people need euthanizing.

This has been plaguing me for several years now, but it's time we stopped providing health care for fat people. It's an insult to the trauma people go through with cancer, arthritis, diabetes and several other illnesses that they have to wait for beds in the hospital because fatty needs a triple bypass because they ate too much fucking cake.

I've compiled a list of the common rebuttals I've had from people who defend the rights of the obese. Here is a list of the most common ones:

It's their choice.

If it's their choice how they live their life, surely I have no right to interfere? This logic is flawed on so many levels. Until I stop paying tax I will always have the right to interfere. My money goes towards funding the operations these selfish idiots bring upon themselves. The only money I would be happy to pay for is the lethal injection.

How am I not entitled to express my frustration when I've paid about £23,000 in tax in the last five years and it costs £40,000 a year to get a special nurse in, specifically trained to wash the backs of people who've gotten so fat they can't reach it anymore? Is this money well invested, or is it wasted on someone who can't enjoy life anyway because their flesh is welded to the sofa?

Negative-reinforcement doesn't work

When I'm presented with the grotesque, I'm instantly compelled to tell them how disgusting they are. Not just physically, but mentally repulsive too. There is nothing more unattractive than a fat person, it epitomizes the very foundation of laziness. People tell me that by insulting their appearance, I do them no good. I disagree. If I convince just one person with my "abusive" comments to stop eating chips and go for a fucking ten minute run once a day, I've done society a favor. If they kill themselves out of depression, guess what? I've done society a favor because they're no longer sapping resources better spent on people who deserve it. I'm tired of people coddling the obese as if it wasn't their choice they're overweight, like someone came in and tied them to the sofa and force fed them cake for fifteen years.

Negative reinforcement does work, it's a scientific fact. There's no empirical evidence either way that positive reinforcement is better or worse. But morally, in my opinion, nobody should get any positive support or praise for losing weight when they shouldn't have gotten into that state in the first place. Nobody gets a pat on the back for eating healthily and exercising unless they were previously overweight, which is bullshit logic.

Besides, losing weight when you're already enormous isn't impressive. There was a documentary on recently about a moron who was seventy stone, he lost around twenty stone in a month and he couldn't even stand up, he was just wobbling his arms and legs around. Everyone is standing around him supporting and giving him sympathy. For what? It's ridiculous, I'm ashamed to live in a society that allows this kind of incredulity.

Not everybody who is obese will have a heart attack/medical problem!

True and some people eat healthily and exercise everyday and die at 30, but this goes back to the old "my grandmother smoked forty cigarettes a day and lived to be 102" fallacy. So what? Does that mean that one individual instance rules out the millions of empirical evidence against it? I don't understand the logic. Just because one person got lucky doesn't mean that smoking every day causes no harm, and likewise for having a poor diet and lack of exercise. Yes, you might be one of the lucky few who get away with it, but strong evidence supports the fact that a balanced diet and regular exercise drastically increases your chances of a long life.

You only insult fat people because [insert psychological condition]

I regret the fact we live in an age where everyone thinks they're a therapist because they've taken a college-level psychology course. Usually when backed into a corner intellectually, people will resort to claim that I insult fat people because I either:

- Was fat myself as a child so I now resent fat people
- Wasn't loved by my mother/father and have unresolved psychological issues as a result
- Got bullied at school by a fat person so use the internet as an outlet for past transgressions
- Don't have any friends so I bully people online
- That I must be fat myself because it's not possible to have such strong negative opinions unless I'm also guilty of committing them
- Don't have anything better to do with my time
- Have a small penis

Freud's more regrettable legacies have convinced a large number of us that we are better judges of others' minds than they are themselves. Our subconscious is hidden from us, but apparently is transparent to everyone else.

There is a set of obtuse, pop-psychology rules for making these sweeping judgments. One is the "inverse-proportion denial" rule, which states that the more someone denies something the more likely it is to be true. Apparently by stating that I hate fat people I am reinforcing a subconscious jealousy for them, which is of course nonsense.

Another related rule is the "hatred-equals-fear" rule, which states that the more a person claims to hate something, the more likely they are to be afraid of it. This rule can be quashed by the fact that I hate Marmite, but don't fear it.

Then there is the "arrogance-insecurity" rule, which states that anyone who seems overly confident is compensating for a deep-rooted insecurity. So insulting fat people equates to an insecurity of my own body somehow.

The problem with these crass pseudo-rules is that they're all horse shit. There are plenty of instances where these rules don't apply. Some people aggressively hate homosexuals, but that doesn't mean that they're jealous, afraid of them or are gay themselves, they could simply be bigoted homophobes.

The irony is that these rules can also be turned to the people who try to invoke them against me. Being so transfixed on the psychological aspects of my argument by playing the analyst, you render your counter-argument trite and fail to address the serious issues at stake. Speculating on my supposed subconscious desires or hidden insecurities that motivate me to have such strong views against obesity is both futile and irrelevant to judging the soundness of my case.

My medical condition made me fat

If I had a penny for every time I've heard this one. 99.99% of the people I argue with about their obesity claim to have some sort of medical condition that prevents their legs from breaking into a run. Stop blaming everyone else and take some responsibility for once. Nobody cares if you were pregnant, have IBS, thyroid problems, or any other miscellaneous bullshit. Hell, I've been diagnosed with IBS, doesn't stop me from eating healthily and exercising.

The top five killer diseases in the UK are heart disease, cancer, dementia, digestive disease and diabetes. Four of these five are drastically reduced in occurrence if you eat a healthy, balanced diet and exercise regularly. Your medical condition didn't make you fat, your fat made your medical condition. (Source:

People who take drugs/smoke/drink/child benefits are worse so why don't you have a go at them?

This is a weak tactic used by people who are about to lose the debate. That just because I target fat people, somehow I think drinking, smoking or doing drugs is fine, as a means to deflect the subject of discussion to other issues. Unfortunately, I can't tell from a look if someone does any of those things, but I can tell from a look if someone is overweight.

Some misconceptions about the UK's benefit system have led to this flawed argument. The total amount of money given to social services amounts to 4% of the annual GDP, with about 0.3%given to unemployed people. Compare this to the 20% that goes to health care every year and you might gain some perspective, given that obesity is the leading cause of avoidable death in the UK and sole contributor to avoidable illnesses caused as a result of obesity. Notice I said avoidable twice? That's not because I couldn't think of another word, it's because I want it to sink into your thick skulls. You all need to get an education and stop spouting myths you've heard from other retards. (Source:

Nothing about cancer is a choice. You can eat healthily and exercise everyday and still get it. Those are the people who deserve treatment, not some fat prick who neglected their body all their life, whose medical bill is paid for by all taxpayers. Fatty shouldn't even be given treatment, just a map to the nearest gym and told to fuck off.

That's all I have to say on the matter. Stop blaming everyone else for your weight problems. People claim I just bring them down. The only thing I aim to bring down in people is their cholesterol. The medical condition you have that prevents you from losing weight is laziness. This sensitive, politically-correct joke we call a society costs everyone money. Some people need to know they're fat, because everyone else is deluding them straight to a heart attack. My comments might make someone realize they're fat and save a life, what does yours do? Something to think about.